Meet The Folk Artist

Fair Trade | Authentic | Sustainable | NextGen

Aurelia y Gerardo.

Ocoxal Artists

Aurelia and Gerardo, plus their two children, Urías and Mara, weave and sell “ocoxal” (pine needles) for a living. Gerardo is considered a Master Weaver in his community of Santiago Oxtempan in rural Mexico; he has taught others for over twenty years and has traveled to the US to international craftmanship fairs. Gerardo has weaved for 40 years.

Martha y Felipe

Ocoxal Artists

Martha and Felipe and their two children, Rosalba and Samuel, weave and sell “ocoxal” (pine needles) to support themselves. Felipe learned the craft some years ago from Gerardo Castro in the community of Santiago Oxtempan. Martha and their children are still learning and helping with the sales efforts in a folk art shop

María Hernández

Huichol Artist

Maria Hernandez is a member of the Huichol community but emigrated to the State of Mexico in search of better opportunities. She learned the art of embroidering from her mother and older brother. María has produced her pieces during 35 years and her family does the same. She supports her three children through her
folk art.

Textiles Tlaxcala

Santa Ana Chiautehmpan

This small shop has incorporated some technology into its process. They dedicate their effort to the ancient craft of the production of textiles in their community. Their town is close to the city of Santa Ana Chiautehmpan, which holds an annual fair to display their traditional textiles. The city claims to be the place of birth of the famous “jorongo”, from which migrants carried to the northern states of Mexico. More than 20 families live from the entrepreneurship of the shop.

Fernando Hernandez

Wood Toy Carving

Fernando Hernández learned the craft of woodcarving when he was 11 years old. He learned to carve everything from Christmas trees to puppets and toys. Today, he continues to produce most of his merchandise, but also partners with other local artisans to expand his inventory. Fernando rents a small retail space, which he also uses as his workshop. He is successful in his town in the State of Mexico and he is looking forward to exporting his products to continue to grow his business.

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